Hotel Titanic Timisoara
Vedeti Preturile la Cazare-See the Accommodation Price
Oferte la Cazare in Timisoara / Romania -Primiti 10% Discount la VENIRE sau PLECARE in USA
-Daca dovediti la RECEPTIA Hotelului Titanic Timisoara ca veniti sau plecati din USA primiti 10% Discount
Hotel Titanic Timisoara este la numai 2 Km de Aeroportul International Traian Vuia si este cel mai aproape Hotel de Aeroport si la numai 5 minute cu masina de centrul orasului Timisoara !!
Vrei sa vezi un Video cu Muzica la Restaurantul Titanic Timisoara cu :
Puiu Codreanu, Stana Isbasa,Tinu Veserzeanu,si cei mai indragiti solisti Banateni
You Recive 10% Discount to Accommodation in Timisoara /Romania at the Hotel Titanic Timisoara
Only that you have to proves to the Reception that you coming or going from the U.S.A
Hotel Titanic is located 2 Km to the International Airport Traian Vuia and is the closest Hotel to the Airport and only 5 minutes to drive to the center City of Timisoara !!
Do you want to see,a nice Video-Music at the Restaurant Titanic Timisoara with the most famous singers such as :Puiu Codreanu,Stana Isbasa,Tinu Veserezan
Click here-The Nr-1
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http://www.hoteltitanic.ro/rezervare.html%22You Welcome to Hotel Titanic Timisoara