Hiring nail technician
We are hiring nail technician in Palatine and Arlington Heights.
- experience required
- also we can train
For more information ask Jamie
We are hiring nail technician in Palatine and Arlington Heights.
- experience required
- also we can train
For more information ask Jamie
We are hiring nail technician in Palatine and Arlington Heights.
- experience required
- also we can train
For more information ask Jamie
We are hiring nail technician in Palatine and Arlington Heights.
- experience required
- also we can train
For more information ask Jamie
Flatbed(Stepdeck) Trucking Owners are Welcome!!!
We offer:
***Fuel cards available.
***Cargo Insurance.
Some of the drivers prefer to work Long distance(west coast), some of them prefer (East Coast-South) weekly home.
-We are working with partial loads, Hard workers this is a good options for u.
-Statements every week sent to email.
-Load confirmations are forwarded from broker's email to Owner Operators (100% you are getting paid what the broker pays)
-Company charges 12% from gross of the truck
-Great dispatch team with afterhours dispatch available
-Clean company record that allows working with all the brokers
Feel Free To Call us Anytime with Any Questions, Call Now 708-247-3170
Fleet manager assistant.
Great opportunity for a skilled truck driver who wants to stay in business but be closer to his family.
Duties include:
Driver training
Checking in and out trucks for new/terminating drivers
Equipment inventory
Remote driver's support while they are on the road
Valid CDL
Knowledge of English and Russian, other languages will be a plus
We are looking for goal oriented, responsible and proactive person who is willing to work.
What we offer:
- Stable employment conditions
- Bonuses
- Paid vacations
- Salary is based on experience and workload
Interesting job, comfortable work environment and great team are waiting for a right candidate.
Please, email or call if you want to change your life for better.
ph. 312.883.5508 or email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Companie in continua crestere cauta un baiat muncitor si responsabil ca asistent fleet manager. O oportunitate minunata pentru un sofer de camion care doreste sa fie aproape de familie dar sa ramana in acelasi business.
- training la noii soferi in PTI, load securement si Brakes sau cunostinte de baza si dornic sa invete
- verificat camioanele si pregatit camioanele de drum, verificat camioanele cand vin la parcare
- inventar la ehipament, eliberat echipament la soferi
- asistenta la soferi cu reparatii pe drum sau alte nevoi pentru camioane, gasit shopuri
- cdl valid
- vorbitor de limba rusa si engleza
- abilitati de comunicare, dornic sa inveti, responsabil si muncitor
- angajare pe termen lung
- vacante platite, zile bolnave platite
- bonusuri
- salar bazat pe experienta si pe volumul de lucru, dar si dorinta de a invata ce nu cunosti si interesul care il depui pentru a invata
- echipa tanara, activa, un colectiv vesel si muncitor, vineri lunch oferit de companie.
Suna azi daca vrei sa iti schimbi viata in bine si sa ni te alaturi
tel: 312.883.5508 sau email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fast growing company is looking for a safety assistant to join our wonderful team.
Knowledge of log book rules
Russian speaking is a plus...
Good verbal communication skills
We are looking for an attentive and responsible person that will join our term for a long term.
We offer paid vacations
Paid sick/personal days
Stable employment and fair salary
Please call or text 312.883.5508 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Companie in continua crestere cauta sa angajeze o persoana in departamentul de safety.
- cunostinte de logbooks rules
- abilitati de comunicare ( daca vorbesti rusa e un bonus)
- dornic sa inveti si sa te adaptezi unui grup de tineri muncitori pe termen lung
Cautam o persoana responsabila, atenta la detalii si organizata
Oferim vacante platite, zile platite pentru nevoi personale sau cand esti bolnav.
Salar atractiv si un colectiv tanar si entuziast
Suna azi la nr # 312.883.5508 sau trimite email la : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.m
Fast growing company is looking for a safety assistant to join our wonderful team.
Knowledge of log book rules
Russian speaking is a plus...
Good verbal communication skills
We are looking for an attentive and responsible person that will join our term for a long term.
We offer paid vacations
Paid sick/personal days
Stable employment and fair salary
Please call or text 312.883.5508 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Companie in continua crestere cauta sa angajeze o persoana in departamentul de safety.
- cunostinte de logbooks rules
- abilitati de comunicare ( daca vorbesti rusa e un bonus)
- dornic sa inveti si sa te adaptezi unui grup de tineri muncitori pe termen lung
Cautam o persoana responsabila, atenta la detalii si organizata
Oferim vacante platite, zile platite pentru nevoi personale sau cand esti bolnav.
Salar atractiv si un colectiv tanar si entuziast
Suna azi la nr # 312.883.5508 sau trimite email la : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.m
looking for CDL drivers, dry van
3800-4500 miles weekly
midwest, southeast, east
extra stop, detention, layover - paid
773-467-6153 ANDREI!
0.47-0.50 cents
Desenam Logbooks pentru truck-uri, $25/week, pentru comenzi constante oferim reduceri.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
we hire part time now and full time in summer Baby sitter.
Niles IL - the applicant must have valid driver license.
For more info call 773-934-8112
English is not mandatory.
Engleza nu este obligatorie.
we hire part time now and full time in summer Baby sitter.
Niles IL - the applicant must have valid driver license.
For more info call 773-934-8112
English is not mandatory.
Engleza nu este obligatorie.
Caut Persoana singura,barbat,femeie,sau familie pentru acte de adoptie pentru copil 16ani,In realitate nu va avea Nici o obligatie financiara fata de copil.Totul facut prin avocat,Cu clauze si conditii.Text message LA 7739431648,ne intalnim si explicam toate detaliile.Perfect pentru persoane/familie fara averi,fara copii.
{jcomments on}Caut Persoana singura,barbat,femeie,sau familie pentru acte de adoptie (de convenienta)pentru copil 16ani,pentru cetatenie.In realitate nu va avea Nici o obligatie financiara fata de copil.Totul facut prin avocat,Cu clauze si conditii.Text message LA 7739431648,ne intalnim si explicam toate detaliile.Perfect pentru persoane/familie fara averi,fara copii.
Caut Persoana singura,barbat,femeie,sau familie pentru acte de adoptie pentru copil 16ani,In realitate nu va avea Nici o obligatie financiara fata de copil.Totul facut prin avocat,Cu clauze si conditii.Text message LA 7739431648,ne intalnim si explicam toate detaliile.Perfect pentru persoane/familie fara averi,fara copii.
Caut Persoana singura,barbat,femeie,sau familie pentru acte de adoptie (de convenienta)pentru copil 16ani,pentru cetatenie.In realitate nu va avea Nici o obligatie financiara fata de copil.Totul facut prin avocat,Cu clauze si conditii.Text message LA 7739431648,ne intalnim si explicam toate detaliile.Perfect pentru persoane/familie fara averi,fara copii.
looking for CDL drivers, dry van
3800-4500 miles weekly
midwest, southeast, east
extra stop, detention, layover - paid
773-467-6153 ANDREI!
Angajez parchetar cu experienta si posesor de permis de conducere....Platesc intre $18 si $23 /ora in functie de experienta si statut in USA.
Au prioritate la angajare:
-Cei care iubesc retelele de socializare si sint curiosi mai mult de ce se posteza pe FB.
-Cei care fumeaza 2 pachete de tigari in 8-10 ore.
Va multumesc...!!!
{jcomments on}Cautam Nanny live-in pentru 2 copii incepand cu 15 Mai 2017. Baietel de 2 ani si jumatate si fetita de 10 luni. Am dori sa gasim o doamna/bunicuta care sa devina parte din familia noastra. Ideal ar fi cineva venita temporar pt a face schim cu bunici copiilor la 3 sau 6 luni, dupa preferinta/nevoie.
Program cu copiii de Luni-Vineri 7am-7pm
Doamna intre 45-60ani
Experienta ingrijit copii
Mentinerea curateniei
Camera pe tot timpul sederii (impartita cu baietelul)
Baie privata
$1200-$1400/luna in functie de experienta
Plata aditionala pt babysitting in afara programului normal
Plata aditionala pt curatenie
Va rog sa ma contactati la 773-317-7773
Salut caut de lucru la remodeling, experienta 4 ani
Salut caut de lucru la remodeling ,experienta 4 ani
Salut caut de lucru la remodeling ,experienta 4 ani
Salut caut de lucru la remodeling ,experienta 4 ani
{jcomments on}
Angajez persoana, preferabil, cu experienta in sanding si installation Hardwood Flooring.
Quicksilver Floor
(312) 719 5229
Avem nevoie de oamenii sa stie sa lucreasa cu tile, drywall, plaster si paint. Va rog sunati la
Stephan 312-837-8263
Avem nevoie de oamenii sa stie sa lucreasa cu tile, drywall, plaster si paint. Va rog sunati la
Stephan 312-837-8263
Trucking company is now hiring owner operators with 90% from gross load amount. We are located in Elmhurst, IL.
Here is what we have to offer:
· Any type of trailer- dry van, reefer flatbed fully equipped.
· Physical damage insurance for truck/trailer-calculated and adjusted depending on its value
· Cargo insurance - $854 per month
· IFTA filling
· Fuel card
· Direct deposit every week
· Professional team -Romanian/Russian speaking
(312) 291-6731
Angajam soferi cu experienta pentru reefere, curse lungi coas to coast. Posibilitatea de a face multe mille, atitea cate esti in stare. Platim 0.50 mila, negociabil. oferim truckuri si trailere noi, parcare, direct deposit in fiecare vinere. Dispatcheri cu experienta disponibili 24 ore.
Pentru mai multe detalii suntali la numarul 608-432-4906 intrebati Dima
looking for CDL drivers, dry van
3800-4500 miles weekly
midwest, southeast, east
extra stop, detention, layover - paid
773-467-6153 ANDREI!
0.47-0.50 cents
Caregiver cu experienta caut job ingrijire persoane varstice sau cu handicap(barbati).Informatii la telefon:312-451-3724