Fast growing company is looking for a safety assistant to join our wonderful team.
Knowledge of log book rules
Russian speaking is a plus...
Good verbal communication skills
We are looking for an attentive and responsible person that will join our term for a long term.
We offer paid vacations
Paid sick/personal days
Stable employment and fair salary
Please call or text 312.883.5508 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Companie in continua crestere cauta sa angajeze o persoana in departamentul de safety.
- cunostinte de logbooks rules
- abilitati de comunicare ( daca vorbesti rusa e un bonus)
- dornic sa inveti si sa te adaptezi unui grup de tineri muncitori pe termen lung
Cautam o persoana responsabila, atenta la detalii si organizata
Oferim vacante platite, zile platite pentru nevoi personale sau cand esti bolnav.
Salar atractiv si un colectiv tanar si entuziast
Suna azi la nr # 312.883.5508 sau trimite email la : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.m