Buna ziua,

Ma numesc Botzatu Razvan si sunt student la Solex College in, Wheeling, Chicago IL unde m-am transferat de curand. Acum imi caut un job ca sa pot plati chiria si niste costuri de trai.

Ma descurc foarte bine cu softwarul Microsoft Office deoarece am lucrat cu el pe toata durata liceului. Stapanesc materiile urmatoare: matematica, informatica, biologie si engleza, iar ca atare pot oferi ore de pregarite pentru copii; cu care ma inteleg foarte bine, deci pot lucre si ca bona.

Am facut voluntariat de multe ori pe perioada liceului, am participat la multe proiecte in grup cu colegii si am facut parte din echipa de baschet a liceului, deci pot lucra foarte bine in echipa. De asemeni am lucrat 9 luni la intretinere alaturi cu alti 4 studenti in cladirea DeVos din cadrul campusul facultatii ,din Grand Rapids, de unde m-am transferat. Seful nostru mi-a dat responsabilitatea de a fi sef de echipa cat timp el nu putea ajunge la servici sau daca intarzia.

Daca doriti mai multe informatii sau documente ce pot asigura ce v-am spus, va rog sa imi cereti ce anume doriti. Am facut un CV ce contine mult mai multe detalii pe care il pot oferi oricarei persoane interesate. Va rog sa ma contactati pe adresa aceasta de e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. daca aveti un job la care pot aplica aceste skilluri.

Va multumesc,




My name is Botezatu Razvan and I am a recently transferred student at Solex College in Wheeling, Chicago IL. Now I am looking for a job so that I can afford to pay the rent and some living expenses.

I can utilize the Microsoft Office software very well, because I have worked in it over the course of high-school. I am very acquainted with Mathematics, Computer Science, Biology and English, thus I can help kids that are struggling with these classes, for a reasonable charge. Also I get along with kids very well, so I could also work as a baby sitter.

I volunteered many times during high-school and I have been a part of many group projects, for most of which I was the team captain.  I have also been a part of the school’s basketball team, thus I can work really well within groups of people. To further this point, I have worked for nine months in the DeVos building, on campus, in the maintenance department with four other students with which I get along very well. The boss gave me the responsibility of replacing him whenever he couldn't make it on time or at all.

If you’d like some more information or documentation that can attest to what I have stated, please do not hesitate to ask and I will provide anything you need. I have a completed resume that contains more in-depth information about me which I could give to anyone interested. Please contact me on this e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have a job that could use these skills.

Thank you,
