St Michael Church 609 N. Lincoln Avenue, Aurora, IL 60505 Sunday, September 15, 2013 After the Sunday Liturgy (Liturgy starts at 10am)
Traditional Romanian Lunch
Tortul Ciobanului – Mamaliga cu branza, ou si smantana (Polenta with cheese, topped with egg an sour cream) ♦ Carnati pe varza calita (Sausages with sautéed cabbage) ♦ Pui cu mujdei de usturoi (Chicken with garlic sauce) ♦ Clatite, Placinta cu mere, Inghetata (Crepes, Apple pie, Ice cream) $20 for age 11+ ♦♦ $5 for age 7-10 We will have a 50/50 Raffle! One lucky person will win 50% of the net raffle proceeds Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 To reserve your space, contact Claudia at 630.440.9964 or via email at