A aparut cartea, Sisteme planetare (in engleza Planetary Trains).


Autori: Ion PETRESCU si Victoria PETRESCU
de la Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania, Europa.

Editura LULU (Double, London Uk).

ISBN 978-1-4476-0696-3



Prezenta carte isi propune sa realizeze o grupare stiintifica a mecanismelor de tip planetar cunoscute.

Mecanismele planetare in general sunt compuse din angrenaje cu roti dintate si bare.

Acestea sunt prezentate constructiv, structural si cinematic.

La cateva sisteme planetare, se va determina in premiera si randamentul mecanic real al mecanismelor, pentru a rezolva astfel si o latura importanta apartinand dinamicii acestor sisteme.

Primele capitole realizeaza o prezentare sintetica a sistemelor mecanice si mecanismelor existente, care utilizeaza mecanisme cu bare si roti dintate, si care sub aspectul lor constructiv pot prezenta si caracterul de sisteme planetare.



?size=s&key=key&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.lulu Planetary Trains By Ion Petrescu, Victoria Petrescu

This book aims to achieve a scientific group known like planetary type mechanisms. Constructively, structurally and kinematically, the planetary mechanisms (the planetary trains) are generally composed of spur gears and bars. In premiere, the book determines the real efficiency of the planetary trains. Automatic transmissions have been added slowly from airplanes to automobiles, and were then generalized to various vehicles. By using the formulas indicated in this book for calculating dynamics of planetary mechanisms, used in aircraft and vehicles, the automatic transmissions can be achieved better than those known today. The book is written in romanian.

Posted at 1:10pm on Wed, Apr 06 2011
?size=s&key=key&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.lulu Planetary Trains By Ion Petrescu, Victoria Petrescu

This book aims to achieve a scientific group known like planetary type mechanisms. Constructively, structurally and kinematically, the planetary mechanisms (the planetary trains) are generally composed of spur gears and bars. In premiere, the book determines the real efficiency of the planetary trains. Automatic transmissions have been added slowly from airplanes to automobiles, and were then generalized to various vehicles. By using the formulas indicated in this book for calculating dynamics of planetary mechanisms, used in aircraft and vehicles, the automatic transmissions can be achieved better than those known today. The book is written in romanian.


?size=s&key=key&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.lulu Victoria's Store

Victoria's Store About Victoria Petrescu Author Image Nihil Sine Deo Ph.D. Eng. Relly Victoria PETRESCU Senior Lecturer at UPB (Bucharest Polytechnic University), GDGI Department.