Va multumesc la toti cei care v-ati oferit sa luati in custodie pe fetita Jesika, pina la sosirea mamei Varvara in State si de asemenea celor care s-au oferit sa dea ajutoare financiare.
La propunerea Comitetului Parohial am deschis un cont unde se pot face donatii pentru transportarea trupului lui Voichita acasa in Romania sau pentru inmormintarea ei aici in State (decizia ramine la latitudinea familiei) desi financiar nu-si pot permite nici una din aceste doua cai. Chiar si venirea mamei sa o conduca pe fata ei pe ultimul drum este problematica. Am trimis deja invitatiile pentru Consulatul American de la Bucuresti. Banii ramasi in cont dupa funeralii vor fi pusi la dispozitia familiei lui Voichita pentru ai ajuta la ingrijirea copiilor lui Voichita care vor pleca in Romania impreuna cu bunica lor, mama lui Voichita.
Contul deschis pentru ajutorarea familiei este la Chase Bank.
Numele Contului:
St. Peter and Paul Mission, Voichita
Nr. Cont: 763118080
La orice filiala Chase prezentind numarul de cont puteti depune Check, Cash, Money Order sau orice alta forma de plata acceptata de banca (chiar si deposit onLine).
Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze.
Par. Sergiu Cornea
Va rog daca puteti sa trimiteti acest email la cei de pe address book-ul vostru. Oameni inimosi exista in toata lumea.


Dear Friends,
A tragic event has taken place in our community and we  need to take action.
Voichita Boloha, 27, a beautiful and talented woman, mother of two very small children, recently committed suicide as a result of a very profound form of postpartum depression after the birth of her second child. Unfortunately, the early diagnosis of the disease and the treatment were not effective in this case, and she could not live to see herself and her children living and suffering with a mother who was not able to take care of them.
Her oldest child is a girl, Jessica, 22 months old, and a baby boy Jason, 9 months old.
Voichita's family in Romania has been informed of the tragic event and apparently they are trying to obtain the visa and come here and decide if she can be taken to Romania for burial or not.
The problem is that the actual financial situation of the family in Romania doesn't allow them to decide this particular matter.
What is certain is that the grandmother, Voichita's mother, is willing to take both children and raise them in Romania, especially since, at this point, no father has come forward to request the adoption of the children.
We are all shocked by this event, and there are many mothers out there who are constantly asking what will happen to these children. I am sure that Voichita would have wanted the best for them, and although she couldn't offer them that, we as a community need to help these children as much as we can, until they find a safe home.
The priest of the church Voichita attended, Fr. Sergiu Cornea, has opened an account at Chase Bank, where you can make a donation according to your ability, so that we can help both with Voichita's burial and her family's travel here to take care of the necessary legal process for adopting the children and providing them a family.
Please  help these children,they  did not choose their fate, to be raised without a mother...and the mother did not choose to suffer from a depression that ultimately killed her.
We thank very much for your help in this difficult situation.
Account Information:
Chase Bank
Account name: St. Peter and Paul Mission, Voichita
Account number: 763118080
You can deposit checks, cash, money orders to any Chase location and also you can make an on line transfer into this account.
God bless you!
If you have any questions please feel free to reply to this email.Thank you again.