Hiring CDL Drivers.Power Only&StepDeck.AOBRD available
Company is hiring CDL drivers and owners.
*The company is specializing in Power Only, Step Decks and Oversize/Overweight loads!
***AOBRD available
please call 773-982-5252 for more information
Company is hiring CDL drivers and owners.
*The company is specializing in Power Only, Step Decks and Oversize/Overweight loads!
***AOBRD available
please call 773-982-5252 for more information
Caut un model (fata) pt un proiect de lunga durata.
Foto video.
info:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Caut parchetar cu experienta
Pozitia este foarte bine platita
Pentru mai multe detalii sunati la (773) 290-3669
Trucking Company is hiring DISPATCHERS!
We work with Flatbed, Stepdeck and Conestoga Trailers
Great benefits for right candidates!
For more details call/text 708-310-2926
We are looking forward to work with you!!!
Screenax Production este in cautare de un grup de dansatori (baieti, dansuri moderne) pentru filmarile unui spot comercial. Asteptam cu nerabdare ofertele voastre si linkuri video cu performantele trupei.
Lucru se Achita!
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- facebook.com/screenax
- (773) 558-8675
mecanic la truck shop
-se plateste independenta de experienta
pentru detalii sunati la 608-432-4122
Drivers needed on reefer
27-30% based on expirience
rate confirmation direct de la customer,broker
truckuri volvo 760 218-2020,cascadia evolution 2019-2020
compania are si curse dedicate
pentru detalii sunati 773-558-3837 or 608-432-4122
Nail salon in chicago is looking for nail technicians. Call 773 816 2417
Pro Star Logistic
looking for truck drivers and owner operators!!!
new trucks volvo and freighliners
new trailers flatbad and Conestoga
WE PAY 60-65cpm long distance!!!
or 28-30% from gross
owner operators:
88% from gross
53ft Conestoga or Flatbad for rent
truck&trailer lease program available
fuel card
aobrd 24h assistance!!!
Mike 206-909-4172
Oferim part time sau full time job as maintenance technician. Pentru detalii sunati la ph: 224 659 2623
Oferim job la curatenie pentru persoane interesate..
Program flexibil si valabil full or part/time...
Sign on bonus dupa 3 luni...
Cu or fara masina...Cerem seriozitate...
Zona de Nord a lui Chicago, si suburbi..
NU :Naperville, Lemont, Oak Brook...
asteptam informati la adresa asta:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Angajam la curatenie..Dupa 3 luni , veti primi "sign on bonus."!!!!
Pozitile sunt platite foarte bine( pe casa si NU in echipa), si automobil nu este necesar.
Trimeteti informati si un numar de telefon la adresa de email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stimati compatrioti,
Ofer servicii de traduceri autorizate in orice domeniu de activitate, printre care cele de imigratie, instanta, stare civila, diplome, foi matricole, programe analitice, acte de proprietate, sentinte de divort sau de partaj bunuri, teze de doctorat, manuscrise, reclame sau promovari de produse, activitati sau servicii. Toate actele pot fi, la cerere, certificate de catre traducator, notarizate de notar public si apostilate, in functie de scopul si de institutia la care trebuie depuse sau trimise electronic.
De asemenea, ofer servicii de interpretariat in instanta, pentru cazuri de divort, partaj bunuri, arest preventiv, detentie in vederea deportarii, imigratie, DUI, la curtea de stat, federala sau cea locala, la spitale, la scoli, facultati sau in cazul evaluarii elevului / studentului in vederea inscrierii la scoala, facultate sau in campul muncii.
Experienta in domeniu de peste 25 de ani, seriozitatea si promptitudinea serviciilor, ca si calitatea si profesionalismul oferit va pot ajuta in situatii in care este nevoie de stapanirea perfecta a limbajului adecvat, specific sau unic institutiilor statului american, sunt avantaje de care puteti beneficia oricand.
Ma puteti contacta telefonic, la (1)-847-899-8858, prin text message sau electronic la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Va multumesc si astept sa va pot asista la tarife deosebit de avantajoase!
Serviciile va sunt oferite in / din limba engleza, in limbile romana, moldoveana, franceza si italiana.
Deluxe Wine and spirits mission is to provide the highest level of service and products to our Illinois restaurant and retail partners. The way we introduce our wines and spirits to our clients is through wine tastings in liquor and grocery stores where the wines being poured and the information shared.
We hope to find an earnest self-motivated employee that is also a team player with interpersonal skills. There is a lot of customer interaction so a socially outgoing personality can be beneficial.
We are not seeking a seasonal employee, but someone available year-round. Holiday retail is our busiest time and we do need coverage up to the day before major holidays
What you need to do to succeed:
Interest/Knowledge in wine
Willingness to participate in community functions and events
Enjoy meeting and interacting with your clients
Ability to build long-term relationships through personal interaction
Job Requirements
Must be at least 21 years of age and able to lift and carry at least 40 lbs
Must be available weekends and some weekdays.
Strong knowledge and passion for wine and spirits.
Provide prompt, efficient and friendly guest service
Educate guests about wine and spirits and assist with wine tastings
Rotates faces and replenishes merchandise and ensures highest quality standards are met
Performs other duties as required or assigned
Job Type: Part-time( 2h-4h/day, Friday, Saturday, Sunday only)
Salary: $15.00 to $20 /hour
If you are interested please send us your resume to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking for CDL class A drivers for over the road position. Brand new 2020 Mack Trucks and Great Dane 2020 Trailers. Also, New Volvo trucks available! Competitive pay 0.50 - 0.55 CPM.
Please call Andy @1-630-822-0633 or Elena @1-228-313-0493.
Deluxe Wine and spirits mission is to provide the highest level of service and products to our Illinois restaurant and retail partners. The way we introduce our wines and spirits to our clients is through wine tastings in liquor and grocery stores where the wines being poured and the information shared.
We hope to find an earnest self-motivated employee that is also a team player with interpersonal skills. There is a lot of customer interaction so a socially outgoing personality can be beneficial.
We are not seeking a seasonal employee, but someone available year-round. Holiday retail is our busiest time and we do need coverage up to the day before major holidays
What you need to do to succeed:
Interest/Knowledge in wine
Enjoy meeting and interacting with your clients
Ability to build long-term relationships through personal interaction
Job Requirements
Must be at least 21 years of age and able to lift and carry at least 80 lbs
Must have a driver license
Must be available weekdays, sometimes in weekends.
Provide prompt, efficient and friendly guest service
Rotates faces and replenishes merchandise and ensures highest quality standards are met
Performs other duties as required or assigned
Job Type: Part-time/Full-Time
Salary: $15.00 /hour
Angajam soferi CDL clasa A
- Camioane noi 2016-2018 dotate cu tot ce este necesar ( Invertor,Frigider,microunda,webasto)
- Echipament + remorca la fel noi 2016-2018
- Achitam 60 cp/m sau 27-30% din gross
- Dispunem de remorci FlatBed,Conestoga,DryVan
- Oferim trainig celor fara experienta de Flatbed (Se achita perioada de training)
- AOBRD LogBook Prietenos
-Oferim remunerari pentru SafetyDriving + Clean Inspections
- Salariu saptaminal !
Tel: +1 206 488 7138 Sorin
+ 1 651 214 6844
Anjajam CDL A drivers , for more detalis call or text :773-595-7098 Mihai .
Ponuda za Vaše projekte.
Ja sam pojedinac spreman dati zajmove (u rasponu od 5.000 do 25.000.000 €) svim ljudima koji mogu ispuniti uvjete moje ponude. Kamata je 2% godišnje. Dostupan sam da zadovoljim svoje klijente u maksimalno 48 sati.
E-pošta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cautam babysitter part time pentru un baietel de un an. Locuim in zona Sauganash Chicago.
Pentru mai multe detalii va rugam sa sunati la: 773-414-5403
Contaactati la adresa de email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lasati un numar de telefon, si unde locuiti
Daca locuiti in Naperville, Lemon, Westmont etc..noi nu putem sa va ajutam!
angajam persoane la curatenie in timpul zilei 8am-3.30 pm
curatenie in case personale.platit pe casa si nu pe ora..+ "tips"
zone Chicago, Evanston, Lakeview , Wimette, Lincoln Park
asteptam sa vorbim la telefon..va rog trietei numarul via email si asteptam sa ne contactati la
reefer company looking for dispatch
paid based on expierence !
for details pls call 773-367-9333 or 773-558-3837
Ma numesc Andrei si activez in domeniul constructiei de 30 ani. Ofer servicii de vopsit pereti, bucatarii, fac bai si multe altele.
Pentru poze si referinte ma puteti contacta la +1 (630) 746-1222
Ma numesc Andrei si activez in domeniul constructiei de 30 ani. Ofer servicii de vopsit pereti, bucatarii, fac bai si multe altele.
Pentru poze si referinte ma puteti contacta la +1 (630) 746-1222
salutare pentru băieții care caută de munca, eu angajez urgent !
224-277-1242 Petru