Aveti nevoie de un electrician bun cu experienta in domeniu?
Calin 847-274-5333
Aveti nevoie de un electrician bun cu experienta in domeniu?
Calin 847-274-5333
Angajam agent de vanzari - outside sale
- program de munca flexibil
- bonus 25% din vanzari
- plata saptamanal
Daca esti interesat/a trimite ne un e-mail la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. pentru a stabili un interviu.
Transportation company in 60191 is looking for an experienced safety/logbook person with DOT/HOS knowledge. Experience required. 708-275-0267
Companie de transport in Elk Grove Village IL , angajeaza CDL A drivers OTR .
Va oferim :
$0.60 CPM all miles empty loaded + extra stops , layovers
Salariu saptaminal , direct deposit
Echipament nou 2019-2020 Freightliner trucks .
AP units , inverters /fridge
Pre-pass /Dash camera
Pentru mai multe detalii call /text :773-595-7098 Mihai
FRIENDLY PLUMBING angajeaza plumber or apprentice.
Suntem localizati in Algonquin IL, joburil sunt localizate in aceasta zona, specializati pe residential services.
Trebuie sa ai experienta in constructii in general, plumbing preferabil.
IL driving license, no drugs , no criminal record.
Plata in functie de experienta intre $14.00-$35.00
Job full time and overtime cad este necesar.
Sarbatori legale platite, o saptmana vacanta platita.
Plata saptamanal.
Va rugam sa ne contactati text/ call at 224-509-5848
Angajam owneri cu experienta la flatbed/stepdeck/conestoga/van
Avem loaduri military si lucram cu partiale
Detalii la tel 872-222-1244
Company driver $2000 and up per week
Flat or flat conestoga
text or call 872-222-1244
Star Freight Limited Inc, out of Elk Grove Village, IL is now hiring hardworking, courteous and responsible CDL COMPANY DRIVERS & COMPANY TEAM DRIVERS.
We have 2020 VOLVO 860 AUTOMATIC trucks!!
We run all over the US, so this is an over the road position, that you, ladies and gentlemen would have to consider applying for.
Rate of pay expected:
SOLO DRIVERS for Dry Van $ 0.60 cpm
TEAM DRIVERS for Dry Van $ 0.70 cpm
*minimum 2 years experience
*decent driving record
*ability to pass drug screen
*no DUI/DWI convictions
*taking good care of the equipment
What we offer :
*top pay: 3000-3500 miles per week for Solo & 6000-7000 miles per week for Team
*direct deposit every week
*desired home time
*occupational accident coverage
*pet and rider policy
*no escrow required
*new equipment 2020 VOLVO 860 AUTOMATIC
For more info don't hesitate to call or text us anytime and we'll be happy to do business with you and hopefully we can welcome you to our great team, where professional work is compensated accordingly!
Ray 773-383-3489
Dany 773-510-0130
Companie de transport in Elk Grove Village IL , angajeaza CDL A drivers OTR .
Va oferim :
$0.60 CPM all miles empty loaded + extra stops , layovers
Salariu saptaminal , direct deposit
Echipament nou 2019-2020 Freightliner trucks .
AP units , inverters /fridge
Pre-pass /Dash camera
Pentru mai multe detalii call /text :773-595-7098 Mihai
Companie de transport in Elk Grove Village IL , angajeaza CDL A drivers OTR .
Va oferim :
$0.60 CPM all miles empty loaded + extra stops , layovers
Salariu saptaminal , direct deposit
Echipament nou 2019-2020 Freightliner trucks .
AP units , inverters /fridge
Pre-pass /Dash camera
Pentru mai multe detalii call /text :773-595-7098 Mihai
Service IT, Reparatii Calculatoare, Laptop, Makbook, Instalare Windows, Instalare MacOS
IT Technich va pune la dispozitie o gama variata de reparatii si servicii pentru Laptopul, Calculatorul sau Macbook-ul dumneavoastra.
Oferim Servicii IT complete - service calculatoare si laptop-uri
Depanare, inlocuire piese defecte, rezolvare probleme hardware, upgrade componente, inlocuire/ instalare componente
Instalare /instalez sisteme de operare windows Xp / windows 7 / windows 8 / windows 8.1 / windows 10 in orice limba
Instalare /instalez sistem de operare pe iMac, Macbook Pro si Macbook Air
Reparatii / repar/ softez / resoftare/ resoftez software
* Instalare /instalez sisteme de operare windows Xp / windows 7 / windows 8 / windows 8.1 / windows 10 ( in orice limba romana, engleza, franceza, italiana, rusa, etc, activate permanent, actualizate la zi, variante full)
* Instalare / instalez / reinstalez orice varianta linux (fedora core, ubuntu, redhat, linux mint, linux rebeca, etc)
* Instalare dispozitive: routere wireless, imprimante, etc.
* Devirusari, curatari, optimizari, pre instalare Windows, etc.
* Upgrade sisteme/inlocuire componente, îmbunatatiri performante (viteza, timp de raspuns, capacitate de stocare, prelucrare, etc.)
Reinstalare Os X Macbook:
macOS Catalina 10.15.4
macOS Mojave 10.14.6
macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
macOS Sierra 10.12.6
OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
OS X Mavericks 10.9.5
OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5
OS X Lion 10.7.5
Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8
Ai orice alta problema ce nu apare mai sus? Trimite-mi un mesaj si vad cum pot sa va ajut!
Puteti suna fara griji si in weekend sau de sarbatori. Suport-ul IT este activitatea mea principala. Persoana pasionata de domeniul IT/Tehnic, ofer asistenta celor ce nu se pricep foarte bine.
Telefon, sms sau Whatsapp: 312 731 5864
Angajam baieti intr- o campanie de facut curatenie in camioane !
Oferim masina,instrumente si salariu bun saptaminal !
Pentru Detalii :(847)-722-9844
Looking for CDL Driver with 2 years experience. We pay 1500-2500 per roundtrip or we can pay 65 cents / miles for Single and 75 cents/ mile for Team drivers. We have constant loads leaving Chicago area every Fri/ Sat and reloads back to Chicago.
We are a family business based in Naperville, Il for 12 years. We run an average of 15-20 trucks. We are looking for responsible and hard working drivers that want to make money. Our drivers are paid an average of anywhere from 6k-10k per month. These are reefer loads with 2-6 stops. Please contact me with any questions or concerns at 6303139160 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Cautam o doamna pt curatenie 3 zile pe saptamana sau full time in Mount Prospect , Il .
Pt informatii 847 997 6929.
Caut băiat priceput pentru ajutor la o lucrare mai complexa.
Call/text 312.975.5101
Caut o doamnă ori domnișoară care iubește copii si vrea sa îngrijească de trei fetițe adorabile cateva zile pe saptamana. Avem doua fetițe mai mari de 11 ani si respectiv 9 ani si un Bebeluș de un anișor. Locuim in Hoffman Estates. Daca sunteti interesată va rog sa ma contactați la aceasta adresa de email sau la nr de tel 847-385-8328- Andreea.
We are looking for lovely nanny for our there girls. This is a part time job, I only need a few days a week. My daughter’s ages are 11, 9 and 1. We live in Hoffman Estates. If you are interested you can contact me at this email address or call or text me at 847-385-8328-Andreea
* oferim poziție de lucru in domeniul de curățenie
* NU se lucrează in echipa și NU se oferă transport
* DA se plătește bine!
* Zona Chicago ( North Side) și North Suburbs
Asteptam text Or email cu: nume/ zona unde locuiești și la:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(206) 414-9825 Cell/ Gia
For more information call 773 575 3992
Angajam Customer Service Representative
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My office is looking for twocareer-minded individuals. Our ideal candidate is a person who has specific personal and professional goals in mind and is looking for a stable company to support them.
Applicant must: be self-motivated, possess strong leadership skills, have a customer service attitude, have integrity, have a desire for professional development, be willing to learn and have exceptional people skills.
If you have management experience, please highlight it in your email.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Companie de transport in Elk Grove Village IL , angajeaza CDL A drivers OTR .
Va oferim :
$0.60 CPM all miles empty loaded + extra stops , layovers
Salariu saptaminal , direct deposit
Echipament nou 2019-2020 Freightliner trucks .
AP units , inverters /fridge
Pre-pass /Dash camera
Pentru mai multe detalii call /text :773-595-7098 Mihai
Companie de transport in Elk Grove Village IL , angajeaza CDL A drivers OTR .
Va oferim :
$0.60 CPM all miles empty loaded + extra stops , layovers
Salariu saptaminal , direct deposit
Echipament nou 2019-2020 Freightliner trucks .
AP units , inverters /fridge
Pre-pass /Dash camera
Pentru mai multe detalii call /text :773-595-7098 Mihai
Companie de transport in Elk Grove Village IL , angajeaza CDL A drivers OTR .
Va oferim :
$0.60 CPM all miles empty loaded + extra stops , layovers
Salariu saptaminal , direct deposit
Echipament nou 2019-2020 Freightliner trucks .
AP units , inverters /fridge
Pre-pass /Dash camera
Pentru mai multe detalii call /text :773-595-7098 Mihai
Angajez sofer cu CDL pentru curse locale de luni pina vineri. Plata se face direct deposit in fiecare vineri. Pentru mai multe informatii sunati la 773-747-0909.
Angajam personal la laundromat
Program Sambata si Duminica 1:00 pm -7:00 pm
- Skokie area
Ceva engleza
Nu experinta necesara.
Pentru mai multe informatii sunati la 224-509-0339
Angajam personal la laundromat
Program Sambata si Duminica 1:00 pm -7:00 pm
- Skokie area
Ceva engleza
Nu experinta necesara.
Pentru mai multe informatii sunati la 224-509-0339
Angajam pesoane la curatenie.
-se lucreaza in echipa or singur(a)
-holidays/sarbatori platite
-zile personale platite
-concediu platit
-ceva engleza
-carnet de conducere
Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa sunati la 224-509-0339
Companie de transport in Elk Grove Village IL , angajeaza CDL A drivers OTR .
Va oferim :
$0.60 CPM
echipament nou cu APU , frigider , Micro.
Salariu saptaminal , direct deposit
Pre-pass -Dash camera
Pentru mai multe detalii call /text :773-595-7098 Mihai
Insurance Company is HIRING!
$ 35000- $ 55000
For more information send an email here - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My office is looking for twocareer-minded individuals. Our ideal candidate is a person who has specific personal and professional goals in mind and is looking for a stable company to support them.
Applicant must: be self-motivated, possess strong leadership skills, have a customer service attitude, have integrity, have a desire for professional development, be willing to learn and have exceptional people skills.
If you have management experience, please highlight it in your email.
Please send the resume here - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.