773 653 7397 ELENA
773 653 7397 ELENA
domnisoara..24 ani....caut job...scrieti va rog pe adresa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SILVIA 773 653 7397
cuplu cautam loc de munca la un azil de batrani sau orice altceva ,urgent.Ecaterina-7272384383 Va multumim
Nou venit in Chicago caut urgent de munca,ORICE pentru inceput.
Va rog sa ma contactati la tel: 312 420 5751
Multumesc anticipat,
Caut de lucru , fie cleaning sau Babysitter , orice alte propuneri sint binevenite. Cunosc Engleza ,Romana ,Rusa. Am 23 de ani, sunt responsabila si străduitoare. Contactați-ma 202 549 0493
Vorbesc limba romina, dar am uitat-o putin. Cer scuse.
Hi! Thank you for taking time to look through my post. I'm Filip Radev by name and I'm 23. I speak English (pure with british accent), Russian, Romanian and Bulgarian all of them fluently. I'm seeking a family that need help with kids or with an adult. I've been in many places, interacted with many cultures and people. I can be a good teacher, listener, talker. I took care of my nephew since he was 15 month old till the age of 8. I have a brother who is 1 year younger then me and I'm still helping him with all that I can. I'm also familiar with the needs of an adult(took care of my grandma). I'm an opened and honest person and I speak open without over thinking or bad thoughts in my mind(which gave me nothing but failure, but I stick to that). I see and treat people from the point of their unique nature and the circumstances that made them, thus ignoring the stereotypes. I'm a bachelor in trade economics and I'm looking to build a family in the nearest future. I'm OK with stay in options of caregiving/babysitting for 5-6-7 days, because I don't own a car. I don't smoke, don't get drunk, I'm clean and respectful. I have experience in housekeeping - I was housekeeper for Howard Johnson and Best Western(got recommendations). Worked in many places starting with Mc'donalds till Hard Rock Cafe in various positions. I cook food for myself and I avoid when I can fast food. I can cook anything you like, just give the products, I don't need the recipe. You may be interested why this guy needs a job like this and I can answer: I just love to help people in need and I feel uplifted when I do that. I could have been too confident in this post, but I'm a modest and quiet person at home. Please feel free to type me a response to my email and we could setup a meeting right away. I'll look through all the offers. Thank you , Filip.
P.S.You can call me at 60528027nine9, but please text me with a short info please
Meditatii matematica,
Matematica nu este o materie care se poate invata intr-o luna sau doua, mai ales daca elevul nu stapaneste concepte de baza si are examene in viitorul apropiat! Scopul meu este sa ajut elevii de gimnaziu si liceu (clasa 4a-12a) sa fie printre cei mai buni din clasa, sa treaca examenele cu note exceptionale, ca sa poate sa aspire la un viitor mai bun. La bacalaureat am luat 9.70 din 10, iar la facultate aici in Chicago am obtinut 3.7 GPA din 4.
Va rog sa imi scrieti cu detalii la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. cu titlul “Re: Meditatii Matematica, North-side Chicago” daca sunteti interesati. Prefer North Chicago si North-West Suburbs ca sa fie efficient cu costul si transportul. Romanian and/ or English ok.
Tutoring Math,
Mathematics is not the kind of material one can learn in a month or two, especially if the student is lacking fundamental skills and has exams coming up in the near future! I am looking to help secondary and high-school students (4th to 12th grade) to be among the first in class, pass the exams and reach their future goals. I got 9.7/10 for the baccalaureate exam and 3.7/4 GPA here in Chicago University.
Please email me with details at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject “Re: Math Tutoring, North-side Chicago” if you are interested. I prefer North Chicago and NW Suburbs to keep it cost efficient. Romanian and/ or English ok.
Thank you,
Buna ziua. Numele meu este Cornelia si Sunt temporar aflata in SUA, ca sa am grija de nepotelul meu. Sunt dispusa as am grija de un copilas la mine acasa, part-time sau full-time. Compensare negociabila. Va rog sa ma sunati la 7086551991 daca aveti intrebari. Multumesc.
Buna. Ma numesc Felicia si am 32 de ani. Caut de lucru in cleaning.
ELENA 773 653 7397
I'm looking for a job, I have 6 year experience in INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR REMODELING.
TEL: (224) 616 - 4730
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(se habla espanol)
Buna.Ma numesc Beatrice,am 20 de ani.Sunt rezident permanent al Statele Unite ale Americii.Am permis de conducere,insa momentan nu am masina.Tin sa mentionez ca am lucrat in cleaning si babysitting,insa sunt deschisa catre orice munca,atata timp cat este o munca cinstita.Pot lucra in timpul saptamanii full-time,inca nu si in weekend. Pentru mai multe detalii sau oferte,contactati`ma la numarul de telefon: 773-807-8719
Va multumesc,
La revedere.
Caut urgent masina (hybrid) disponibila pentru shift de noapte la Yellow. Stau in Jefferson Park (aproape de Milwaukee si Lawrence).
Persoana de BLOCKED feminin in varsta de 32 de ani, necasatorita, caut loc de munca in Statele Unite. Vorbesc engleza foarte bine si sunt traducator autorizat de catre Ministerul Justitiei. De asemenea, predau engleza ca limba straina de 10 ani si am cunostinte PC.
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello. numele meu este 21 de ani, si sunt din Romania.Mentionez ca detin viza pt SUA, vorbesc Engleza la nivel mediu, si detin permis de conducere in Romania. ma puteti contacta la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. pt alte informatii.
caut de munca! baiat 24 ani tel: 773 510 2094
domnisoara, 24 ani, caut job....scrieti-mi pe adresa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. mersi...
Buna. Ma numesc Dana si caut job. Am experienta ca nanny, housekeeper si waitres. Vorbesc engleza si rusa fluent. Lasati'mi mesaj la numarul 7732198696. Multumesc anticipat.
Ms numesc Irina, caut de lucru in domeniul babysitter.
Tel: 3074138955
Buna, ma numesc Andrei, am 20 ani, permis de conducere si automobil. Caut urgent de lucru. Astept orice propuneri pe 7738156010. Multumesc.
Doamna serioasa caut sa am grija de un copil la domiciliu meu( mai am grija de nepotelu meu de 3 luni )zip cod 60630zona Irving park cu Central.Pentru mai multe detalii imi puteti lasa un email la This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. cu un nr de tel, zile si ore care ati avea nevoie.
Toyota Camry sau Prius shift de zi sau 24 hours la FLASH
Please call Cris
Sunt student..din Romania si caut un loc de munca in Chicago nu conteaza unde sau ce.. am un an de experienta ca inginer mecanic..
daca puteti sa ma ajutati nr. meu de tel e 1 847 505 4647
Va multumesc anticipat..
Buna! Ma numesc Laszlo am 26 de ani si sunt din Tirgu-mures.Sofer profesionist categ. B,C,E , experienta , fara accidente sau suspendari de permis , doresc sa lucrez in USA , momentan lucrez in HU la o firma de transport pe camion, ma puteti contacta la tel. 0036-30924-3560 sau la e mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Multumesc!
I'm 19 years old and I'm looking for a job as a Computer technician. I'm A+ certified from age 17 and I'm a very hardworking and honest person. I have 2 years experience in computer repair, maintenance, servers and networking. Please contact me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone number: 219-241-7986.Thank you and have a nice day!
Buna.Ma numesc Beatrice,am aproape 20 de ani.Sunt dornica sa lucrez in orice domeniu atata timp cat este o munca cinstita.Tin sa mentionez ca pana la ora actuala am lucrat in cleaning,babysitter si ospatar la petreceri.Am permis,dar momentan nu am masina.Pentru orice intrebari sau oferte,ma gasiti la numarul de telefon 773 807 8719.
Va multumesc,
La revedere.
Buna sunt doamna invatatoare de curand venita din romania pe o perioada de 5 luni si caut loc de munca ca si nanny live-in. ma puteti contacta daca sunteti interesati la 773 934 5417