B & V Electronics ofera si multe alte servici electronice!
Reparatii de computere si instalari si programare de electronice
Muzica si Filme din Romania
TV's, Computere, etc.
Acceptam carti de banca (Check Cards) si toate cartile de credit mari (Visa, Mastercard, etc.)
The newly opened B & V Electronics Corporation store offers proffesinoal filming and DJ services for weddings, christenings, and other special ocasions!
We also have a lot of electronics and electronics services:
computer repair and electornics setup and install
Romanian Music and Movies
TV's, computers, etc.
Among other forms of payment we accept Check Cards and all major Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, etc.)
Adresa magazinului e (Address):
4651 N. Elston Ave. Store B
Chicago, IL 60630
Tel Vlad: 773-818-7281
Tel Bela: 773-474-8148
Soon available online at www.b-v-corp.com