St Michael Church

609 N. Lincoln Avenue, Aurora, IL 60505

Sunday, September 15, 2013

After the Sunday Liturgy

(Liturgy starts at 10am)


Traditional Romanian Lunch

Tortul Ciobanului – Mamaliga cu branza, ou si smantana

(Polenta with cheese, topped with egg an sour cream)

Carnati pe varza calita

(Sausages with sautéed cabbage)

Pui cu mujdei de usturoi

(Chicken with garlic sauce)

Clatite, Placinta cu mere, Inghetata

(Crepes, Apple pie, Ice cream)

$20 for age 11+ ♦♦ $5 for age 7-10

We will have a 50/50 Raffle!

One lucky person will win 50% of the net raffle proceeds

Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5

To reserve your space, contact Claudia

at 630.440.9964 or via email at